Here at CrushNinja, we believe in our users' right to anonymity, safety, and security while online and have implemented an industry-leading, transparent privacy policy. We have made every effort to clearly define what information is collected from you and how such information is used.

Data We Process


Only published submissions are archived on our servers. Deleted submissions are permanently removed from the database.

Page managers

Web server logs

Includes metadata such as your IP address, user agent, referrer, and URLs requested. This data exists only transiently to support functions such as geolocation and is immediately wiped to protect the anonymity of our users.

Third parties

We integrate with third-party services such as CloudFlare, Facebook, and Google Analytics. Any data storage or collection performed by these services is subject to their respective privacy policies and data usage policies.


Like most modern websites, CrushNinja uses cookies to support critical site functions such as user authentication. No guarantees are made about the functionality or usability of the CrushNinja platform if cookies are disabled.

Information disclosure

We do not share your data with third parties. If we receive a subpoena or judicial authorization for user data, we will first verify its validity before complying. If possible, we will notify the affected user(s) first and/or object to the disclosure. Since we do not permanently record data such as IP addresses or location, we are unable to assist with determining the identity of a submitter.

Data deletion requests

To request your data to be removed from our database, please send your request to [email protected].